Receive data from our app without writing code
Webhook is a way in which our service and external systems communicate. It allows you to send data about new transactions to the callback URL without querying our API every time. You can use it for integration, e.g. via Zapier or

How you use this functionality is entirely up to you. You can integrate via Zapier or other services and send emails to your inbox, or send notifications to your web communicator, e.g. Slack or MS Teams. You can also send data to your database, BI tools or Google Analytics.
How to use it
To set up a webhook, log in to your 100Shoppers account and go to Settings > Webhooks. Then, click the edit icon close to your webpage name and define the webhook URL. That’s all! From now on, we’ll be sending the data about all new transactions to your webhook URL.
A sample of the data (JSON)
{ "transId": "178965",
"clickedAt": "2022-09-08T14:29:58+2000",
"createdAt": "2022-09-08T15:02:41+2000",
"campaignId": 22,
"campaignName": "Sklep",
"spaceId": 11,
"spaceName": "Katalog",
"amount": 70.46,
"abpar1": "custom-param-1",
"products": [
"offerId": 175,
"campaignOfferId": "16587",
"name": "Pralka",
"ean": "5050868402015",
"quantity": 1,
"amount": 40
"offerId": null,
"campaignOfferId": "63807",
"name": null,
"ean": mull,
"quantity": 2,
"amount": 15.23