Using the API documentation, you can integrate your shop with our system.
POST /registerEntry
Query reporting a redirect from a widget. Should be called when the store is visited with the ‘bbclid’ parameter. If there is a’ga’ parameter in the URL, pass that in as well.
Example of inquiry:
Content-Type: application/json
"bbclid": "{bbclid}",
"bb_cid": {your-shop-ID},
"_ga": "{_ga}",
Example of answer:
"bbuuid": "{visitor-ID}",
"expiry": 90,
POST /registerOrder
A request notifying us of the order/transaction, along with information about the products ordered and billing details. It should be called after order confirmation (the last step of the purchase process) as long as we have {visitor-ID} for the user placing the order.
Example of inquiry:
Content-Type: application/json
"campaignId": {your-shop-ID},
"bbuuid": "{visitor-ID}",
"orderId": "{your-order-ID}",
"products": [
"productId": "{your-product-ID}",
"quantity": {item-quantity},
"gross": {item-gross-price},
"net": {item-net-price},
"commissionId": {your-commission-id}
Example of answer:
The server will return an empty response with a status of 200.
- property – bolded parameters are obligatory
– store entry identifier (click) – value of the bbclid parameter- bolded parameters are required
– the unique identifier of the store, which is sent by the 100Shoppers support team{visitor-ID}
– the identifier given to the visitor, must be kept for the number of days specified in the “expiry”. The user must be identifiable each time he returns to the store.{your-order-ID}
– store order/transaction ID{your-product-ID}
– the product identifier that matches the identifier of the offer provided to us in the XML file{item-quantity}
– the number of ordered products{item-gross-price}
– gross unit product price{your-commission-id}
– the identifier of the commission used for billing for the order item. For stores displayed on the manufacturer’s website, the commission is not calculated and will be ” 0″. The ID is provided by the 100SHOPPER Manager.
Other methods of integration:
- Shop scripts
- Prestashop plugin
- Shoper plugin
- Google Tag Manager