Prepare your store’s offer using CSV file.

Integration with our system requires importing your products to our database. For this purpose, we use XML file in one of the popular formats (Ceneo, Nokaut, Google RSS, ATOM). The file should be updated at least once a day. You can also prepare CSV file with the following specification.

CSV structure

Remember to keep columns order!

If you do not add all columns (12), match the column names.

FieldsType RequiredExampleComment
urlstring (url)yeshttps:// (url to specific item)
namestringyesBEKO VRT74225VI
categorystringnoDomestic appliances/small household appliances/ Vacuum cleaners and accessoriesThis record is also correct: Domestic appliances>small household appliances> Vacuum cleaners and accessories

missing column -> all offers are treated as active

empty value – offer is treated as inactive
availabilityintegerno11 : available, the shop will dispatch the product within 24 hours

3 : the shop will dispatch the product within 3 days

7 : the shop will dispatch the product within one week

14 : the shop will dispatch the product within 14 days

90 : goods on request

99 : unavailable – ‘check in shop’ status

110 : presale
imgstring (url)nohttps://image.png

CSV file example

Download the example of the CSV.

Andere Optionen:

  • XML file